Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Hey all, how was christmas for everyone? well i had a good christmas i got a nice photo book of Japan from Kaori's parents and a flash new wallet from Kaori. As far as christmas day goes i spent the evening getting pretty drunk with Kaori's dad and brother while she had to work till after midnight, it made for a fun evening and we seemed to be communicating fairly well but i guess that could be down to the 1.8l bottle of sake i got her dad for christmas (which he almost finished!). I felt sorry for her brother tho as he had to leave at about 5.30 the next morning and it would take him about 2 hours by train to get to work from here.
The next day i was fairly (who am i kidding "REALLY") hungover and i didn't get up till around 11.30 but unbeknown to me her dad had taken the day off work to show me round a temple and a 11.5m buddha. So here he is.

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