Friday, October 24, 2008


Well is 11:30 pm and i have been drinking Asahi so there will be more mistakes than i normally make. However in my own defense look at the size of the can of beer i can buy!

I think there is an air raid happening atm because there are sirens going off every where or maybe its just a special down at the 7-11.
Back to reality (carries on sing the M&M song in head) it rained all day today so i thought i wold just end up sitting inside playing  PS3 but no! I went outside just to take a couple of photos to show the view from were we are and then before I new it I was off chasing crows in the hills.

So on my way to find the crows i saw i took a little short cut behind the local police station. There is a little stream that runs behind it, its tiny but full of big  fish which have no where to go. While walking down here i saw this massive heron fishing which was crazy it was just so out of place. Yes its sideways but i cant be bothered fixing the bloody thing so just turn your head!

I carried on my way after this encounter still heading for the crows, its pooring with rain and I'm trying to keep my cameras dry ( don't really know where i was going with that i got side tracked with the sound of strange samurai/cowboy movies coming from Kaori's dads room).
So i finally found where all the crows are at its taken me about 1.5hours  walking up this bloody hill but i've found them.

 I'm at the very end of this little street trying to get some nice phot
os of the crows when i see a squirrel! OMG its a squirrel WTF! and its jumping from tree to tree not staying still long enough for me to get a photo of it. Off it goes off in to this forest I'm next to, so I follow it down these steps and into the middle of this forest. Well i'm only about 10m in when i remember about "Joro Gumo" and the story of dads father running threw some spider in WWII, so i come to a hell of a stop and take a good look around me... Sure enough spiderwebs the size of me are every where. As you can probably guess i left in a f*#@ing hurry!!
I got a few nice picks today and got to see a lot of new things including a hornet which i never got a photo of and wasn't going to even try. Search them online and you'll understand. 

Just one last thing WTF does this mean i found it on a train to Yokohama

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